Ph: (715) 297-6538


Yesterday morning as I was sitting in church for palm Sunday service, I noticed the Sunday school children were sitting in the front row.  It was obvious that they were there for a reason, and I assumed at the time that it was to sing a song during the service.  My assumption was only partially correct.  They did sing a song, and it was called, I believe “Let it Shine”, but what they also did, was inspire me.  The Song “Let it Shine” was about that little light inside us, and it went on to give us a choice on how we would choose to use it.  One of the verses asked the question “are we going to hide that little light under a bush,” and the children gave a resounding “NO” and then powerfully sang out “I’m Gonna Let it Shine!”

So the question I have for you, is.. do you let your light SHINE?  I know that there can be many people today that can try to make us hide our light under a bush so to speak, whether that is their intention or not.  I really like fanning ones flames so to speak, because I want everyone’s little light to be bigger and brighter, so I hope to inspire others to Let Their Light SHINE!  I am a builder of people, and I detest those that try to tear others down.  As a business application think of it like this..if you’re building people up, you’re also building your company up, but if you are tearing people down, you’re also tearing your company down, it is that simple.  As a health application, consider it like this..when you make food choices, you’re either giving your body foods that nourish and build your body, or you’re giving your body foods that will not nourish and weaken your body, and again, it is that simple really.  It all boils down to choice, how will you choose?

That little light was placed in us for a reason, and I say “Let it SHINE!”

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